English Mail Order Catalogs and Clothing Advertisements with Boys Clothing: 1963

Figure 1.- We have found a Clarks' shoe adverisement for children's shoes from 1963. The ad made the point that both boys and girls could wear the same styles. This included both shoes and sandals. Strap shoes were mostly for girls but younger boys also wore them. Clarks' stress their width sizes to permit a perfect fit. The children are pictured in school clothes in an after school setting. They have just purchased a treat in a local shop. We are not sure about the magazine, but Parenting is a posibility.

We do not yet have any 1963 catalogs, but a reader has sent us some informative ads for children's clothing. We have found a Clarks' shoe adverisement for children's shoes from 1963. The ad made the point that both boys and girls could wear the same styles. This included both shoes and sandals. Strap shoes were mostly for girls but younger boys also wore them. Clarks' stress their width sizes to pemot a perfect fit. The children are pictured in school clothes in an after school setting. They have just purchased a treat in a local shop. we are not sure about the magazine, but Parenting is a posibility.


We do not yet have any informatio on caps. scholl caps were still vurtually universal in the 1950s, but had begun to decline ast the end of the 1950s. This process continued in the 1960s.






We notice range of cold weather coats for boys. Kamella produced casual clothes and inclenent weather wear. We do not know much about the company, but the name seems to be a play on cammel. And of course cammel hair overcoats were a popular standard.





Boys underwear included singlets and T-shirts and Y-front pants. (In Britain pants referred specifically to underpants nd was not used for trousers as in America. Colord underwear in bright colors including orange and red were popular with boys.


We note both ankle and knee socks being offered. The knee socks were increasingly for younger boys and exceot for school often not done with turn-over tops.


Styles of strap shoes were widely worn by English primary school children in the 1960s. A "T"-strap shoe was referred to as school sandals. May girls wore single-bar shoes to school. This was not common for boys, but pre-school boys did wear single-bar strap shoes. One of the most important footwear compnies was Clarks. We have found a Clarks' shoe adverisement for children's shoes from 1963. The ad made the point that both boys and girls could wear the same styles. This included both shoes and sandals. Strap shoes were mostly for girls but younger boys also wore them. Clarks' stress their width sizes to pemot a perfect fit. The children are pictured in school clothes in an after school setting. They have just purchased a treat in a local shop. we are not sure about the magazine, but Parenting is a posibility.


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Created: 12:28 AM 4/26/2017
Last updated: 12:28 AM 4/26/2017