English Mail Order Catalogs and Clothing Advertisements Suits (1969)

Figure 1.--Here we see a variety of single and double-breasted suits offered in 1969 with both long and short pants. We do not know the name of the catalog.

We see both single- and double-breasted suits inn 1969 catalogs. The single-breasted jackets were the most common, in part because many suits were bought as school suits. Outside of schools, mostly private schools, boys did not wear suits as commonly as earlier. Suits were much more commonly worn in the 1950s. Some schools used suits rather than blazers and some schools had both suits and blazers. Thus many of the suits in a 1969 catalog woyld have been bought as a school suit. This is especially true of grey suits. We see both short and long pants suits. Here schools had various rules. We see several suits, however, that would not have been used as school suits.

Unidentified Mixed Suits

Here we see a variety of single and double-breasted suits offered in 1969 with both long and short pants. The were available in several different fabrics and colors. We do not know the name of the catalog. The sizes are explained in inches so we are not entirely sure about the age ranges. The suits here do not look like they would have been used as school suits. We have not notice grey or blue school suits or double-breasted school suits. The jacket with a flap pocket also does not look like a school suit.


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Created: 4:50 PM 2/3/2009
Last updated: 4:50 PM 2/3/2009