DuBarry Patterns: Shirts and Blouses (United States, 1940)

Figure 1.-- We note boys wearing both shirts and blouses in 1940, although blouses had become much less common for school age boys. Our modern shirt styles were clearly emerging in 1940. The soft pointed collar was the standard for school-age boys. We continue to see boys still wearing button-on shirts in 1940, but this style was becoming less common as more and more boys wore belts rather than the various other alternatives to trouser suspension.

We note boys wearing both shirts and blouses in 1940, although blouses had become much less common for school age boys. Our modern shirt styles were clearly emerging in 1940. The soft pointed collar was the standard for school-age boys. We continue to see boys still wearing button-on shirts in 1940, but this style was becoming less common as more and more boys wore belts rather than the various other alternatives to trouser suspension. A good example is a size 10 du Barry pattern that could be used to make either a standard collared shirt or a button-on blouse. The shirt had a standard cillar and could be done as long or short-slleved garment. It is depicted as a striped or checked shirt, but mother could chose whatever fabric she so desired. The button-on blouse had a mock Eton collar. This style was used by younger boys when dressing up which is perhaps why it is depicted as a white blouse. Made with a standard collar they were worn to school, up to about age 10. It was depicted as a long-sleeved garment, but could also presumably be doine as a hort-sleeved garment. Du Barry was a trade brand name. The manufacturer was the Simplicity Pattern Company. The first DuBarry patterns appeared in the Woolworth five and dime stores (1931). They were made exclusively for sale by Woolworth. They continued to be sold at Wooworth through 1947.


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Created: 8:52 PM 8/30/2011
Last updated: 8:52 PM 8/30/2011