Dr. Parker's Waist (1943)

Figure 1.--This ad for the Dr. Parker's waist "for growing boys and girls" was published in the "Wisconsin State Journal" (September 8, 1943). The illustration pictures a girl, perhaps an indicaton that by 1943 they were mostly being sold for girls. Notice that Wisconsin is a northern tier state. We suspect that climate was a factor in long stockings still being popular. Long stockings persisted longer in the northern than the southern states. We know for example that they were still common across the border in Canada.

This ad for the Dr. Parker's waist "for growing boys and girls" was published in the Wisconsin State Journal, September 8, 1943, p. 12. The illustration pictures a girl, perhaps an indicaton that by 1943 they were mostly being sold for girls. Notice that Wisconsin is a northern tier state. We suspect that climate was a factor in long stockings still being popular. Long stockings persisted longer in the northern than the southern states. We know for example that they were still common across the border in Canada. The ad appeared in September, the month that American children were returning to school and that preceded the colder weather in which long stockings were appropriate. The ad copy read, "Dr. Parker's Garter Waists for Growing Boys and Girls. 69 cents. Just in and ready for the younger generation . . . our schoolbound customers. Studry, well-made, with just enough elastic in the back braces to assure flexibility. Easy for the younger child to dress himself in. Sizes 2 to 12. Notions, Main Floor. Barons. We give Eagle Stamps" Barons was a clothing store in Madison, Wisconsin, the state capital. Eagle stamps were given out with each purchase to encourage further business. The stamps could be collected over a period of time, pasted in a book, and then redeemed for further merchandise when enough had been collected to cover the cost of a new purchase."


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Created: 10:36 PM 2/27/2009
Last updated: 10:36 PM 2/27/2009