Trueworth Kiddlies Garter Waist Advertisement (United States, 1947)

Figure 1.--This is an advertisement for "Trueworth" garter waists, a brand that we have not encountered before. This ad was published in the "Independent Record" of Helena, Montana (September 30, 1947), just in time to equip boys and girls for the switch to fall and winter clothing. Long stockings by 1947 were no longer commonly worn in the United States, but we do notice them still bein markted in the nortern-most states.

This is an advertisement for "Trueworth" garter waists, a brand that we have not encountered before. This ad was published in the Independent Record of Helena, Montana, on September 30, 1947, just in time to equip boys and girls for the switch to fall and winter clothing. Long stockings by 1947 were no longer commonly worn in the United States, but we do notice them still bein markted in the nortern-most states. They were also still being sold in Canada. The ad copy read, "Trueworth Kiddies Garter Waists. Long stockings are a must for children with cold weather coming. These all elastic, adjustable garter waists are the simplest, most comfortable way to hold long stockings up. Sizes: Small for Ages 2-4; Medium for ages 6 -8; Large for ages 10-12. $1.19 Pair. Notions--Street Floor. Fligelman's." Fligelman's was a prominent department store in Helena, Montana, that specialized in clothing for the family."


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Created: 11:45 PM 2/27/2009
Last updated: 11:45 PM 2/27/2009