J.C. Penney's: Polo Shirts (1962)

Figure 1.-- Penney's celebrated their 60th anniversary in 1962.This J.C. Penney ad in appeared in one of the weekly 'Life' magazine editions published during August. So they would have been back-to-school ads. Penney's called these polo shorts 'sports' shirts. Notice that they are being shown with the top button buttoned.

We note J.C. Penney ads in Life magazine during the early-1960s. Penny's celebrated their 60th anniversary in 1962. We note a Penney's ad in the August 24, 1962 issue of Life for polo shirts, although they did not use the term. Penney's seem confused as to what they should call these shirts. Here they used the term 'sports shirts'. There were all kinds of variously colored stripes. Even though Penney's called them sport shirts, the boys were all pictured with their collars buttoned. Penney'sd seems to have always done this. We are not entirely suyre why. These ads also provide useful indicators of gair styles. The models here all have short hair.


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Created: 10:57 PM 1/1/2011
Last updated: 10:57 PM 1/1/2011