J.C. Penney's: Polo Shirts (1963)

Figure 1.-- We note more J.C. Penney ads in Life magazine during 1963. We note an ad for polo shirts, although they did not use the term. Here theyvare pictured for teens. , this time referring to them as knits. Penneys seem confused as to what they should call these shirts. Here they used the term 'knits'. There were all kinds of variously colored stripes and turtle necks with chevron fronts. Penney's continues to show the shirts with collars buttoned. The models still have short hair.

We note more J.C. Penney ads in Life magazine during 1963. It was a back to school ad appearing in Life on August 16, 1963. The ad was for what we would call polo shirts, although they did not use the term. Perhaps there were trade-mark reasons. Here they are pictured for teens, akthough they were also available in pre-teen sizes. This time Penneys referred to these shirts as 'knits'. Penneys seem confused as to what they should call these shirts. Here they used the term 'knits'. There were all kinds of variously colored stripes and turtle necks with chevron fronts. Penney's continues to show the shirts with collars buttoned. The models still have short hair.


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Created: 12:34 AM 1/2/2011
Last updated: 12:34 AM 1/2/2011