American Sewing Patterns: Simplicity Casual Shirts, Skirts, Skorts, and Shorts: The 1980s

Figure 1.-- We have a Simplicity pattern for casual clothes including shirts, tank tops, shorts, skorts, and skirts. Unlike catalogs, patterns were not dated. We are not sure about the age range, but this one was made for 12 year olds.

Casual styles were dominant in the 1980s. They were widely worn to school as well as for casual wear. Both boys and cgirls wore casual styles. This Simplicity pattern for casual clothes including shirts, tank tops, shorts, skorts, and skirts. Unlike catalogs, patterns were not dated. We believe this one was a 1980s patterns. We are not sure about the age range, but this one was made for 12 year olds.


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Created: 6:40 PM 10/27/2009
Last updated: 6:40 PM 10/27/2009