American Sewing Magazines: Christmas Outfits (1989)

Figure 1.--We notice children done up in Christmas outfits in the Sew Beautiful Holiday Issue. The boy who looks to be about 3 years old wears a fancy Peter Pan collar with lace trim and elaborate front embroidery. It is a button-on outfit wirn with white knee socks and white double buckle English sandals.

We notice children done up in Christmas outfits in the Sew Beautiful Holiday Issue. The boy who looks to be about 3 years old wears a fancy Peter Pan collar with lace trim and elaborate front embroidery. It is a button-on outfit wirn with white knee socks and white double buckle English sandals. The girls also wear fancy outfits with hair bows and dresses that have lace trim and embroidery work. One girl wears a pinafore dress. The hosiery is varied, including wjite anklets, mknee socvks, and tights. One girl wears white single bar Mary Jsnes strap shoes.


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Created: 8:02 AM 11/27/2010
Last updated: 8:02 AM 11/27/2010