Sanitoria Country Trends: Chile

Figure 1.--The Sanatorio Marítimo San Juan de Dios (Maritime Sanatorium St. John of God) was founded in the seaside town of Viña del Mar (1929). The Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God, a Catholic order founded in Spain in 1572 founded and operated it. We are not sure when this photograph was taken, perhaps the 1940s.

Chile iuntoduced socialized medicine (1924). The government, however, did not have adequate revenue to adequately fund the system. About 10 sanatoria were eventually opened in the country. Some were apparently opened through Catholic charities. There were suitable siutes for both mountain and seaside sanitoria. One was the Sanatorio Marítimo San Juan de Dios (Maritime Sanatorium St. John of God) which was founded in the seaside town of Viña del Mar by the Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God (1929). The Catholic order was founded in Spain during 1572. The Sanatorio Marítimo was one of the few sanatoria in South America at the time. We do not yet have much information on Chilean sanatoria. Hopefully our Chilean readers will be able to provide more information. Tuberculosis by the time of World War II was Chile's moist serious health problem. The death rate was 400 per 100,000 patiens, compared to the American rate of 30 deaths. The development of antibiotics in America during World War II rapidly reduced the mortality rate in Chile.


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Created: 12:21 AM 4/15/2012
Last update: 12:21 AM 4/15/2012