* American charity institutions -- community houses

Charity Institutions: U.S. Community Houses

Figure 1.--Here vwe see Presidentb Harding with Community House kids in 1921. Presumably the Community House was in Washingtin. Notice the President's pooch. O .

We note a number of community houses all over the United States. We are not sure how nany werev founded, but there appear to be a large number. We note them in large and medium sized cities. We see them as ealy as 1921 when a group appeared with President Harding at the White House. They may have been founded eralier, but this is the first we gave noted them. We think they evolved out of the settlement house movement. A good example is the Mulberry Community Center in the Bronx, New York City during 1926. They contiunue to exist today. As far as we can tell there is no national coordinating organization. The activities of these organiaztions appears to have focused on children and youth and worked to provided recreatiinal and culturaol activities. The various houses had facilities to oromote these activities. Many Community Houses organized summer camps. Classes were organized. We note a modern Community House offering: Kindermusik, Play & Make Music with Miss Marie, Self-Defense for Children. Babysitter Safety, and Youth Theatre. Programs for new mothers, infants, and toddlers are now common.


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Created: 4:34 AM 10/8/2020
Last update: 4:34 AM 10/8/2020