** National Children's Home emigration

National Children's Homes: Emigrationm

Figure 1.-- This postcard back photograph shows boys at the Edgworth NCHO hime. Until after Wirkd War II, the organizatiion was commoinly referred to as the National Children's Home and Orphanage. The portrait is undated, but loooks to date to about 1910. The overcoats suggest thus may be an emigration group headed to Canada. You can see thevhome in the bacjground.

The NCH began participating in emigration schemes to the Dominions. At the time the NCH had very few facilities of its own in Britain. There were far more children in need than could be cared for by the organization in its early phase. Many of the children were not oeohans, but chilren whose parents or parent could not acre for them. We do mot know to what extent family nmembtrs were consulted. Stephenson went to America and Canada to prepare fora n emigrtion Most of the emigration children were sent to Canada. he first group of children were sent to Canada where a NCH home was opened (1873).The numbers were not large, but over 3,000. Emigration was halted during World War I because of the U-boat danger. After the War, Canada halted the program for children below working age. There were also reports of some of the children being mistreated. The NCH shifteted the effort primarily to Australia. After World War II, Australia ammounced a desire to receive a very large number of European immigrants. The NCH participated in this effort, but not a large number of children. A tragic incident in which a fister familyv strved abd bet boy to death led to a giverbment inquiry. The Curtis Report led to majoe assessment intyo the care of indiugehnt children--the Curtis Report (1q945). After World War II, the Labour Government significntly expnded welfare prograns in England, including care for indigent children and emigrtion ptograms were ended. Even before the War, the NCH hadalready begun to plce a greater emohasis on domestic adoption.


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Created: 4:58 AM 9/5/2020
Last update: 4:59 AM 9/5/2020