Thank you for your interest in this web site. We hope you enjoyed persuing the topics of interest to you. Perhaps you are wondering now that you have viewed HBC how to learn about new pages posted on our site. It is such a large site that interesting new pages can easily be missed. Recently added or updated pages and new images that you may want to have a look at. Please note that the new page listings are only available to HBC contributors. Of course we welcome you to become a contributor. It is very easy and inexpensive.
If you are a contributor we list HBC new page unloads here on a daily basis. This is a new feature we began in 2004. Click here to see the new pages. You can access both the current new pages and our new page archive.
Perhaps you are wondering now that you have viewed HBC how to learn about new pages posted on our site. It is such a large site that interesting new pages can easily be missed. Recently added or updated pages and new images that you may want to have a look at. Please note that the new page listings are only available to HBC contributors. Of course we welcome you to become a contributor. It is very easy and inexpensive. Contributors will be able to access the images as well as the new page listings.
Do let me know if you have any interesting comments or insights about new material posted on HBC. I have been a bit disappointed that while a few people that have accessed HBC have made marvelous contributions, many people just surf without making any effort to reasonably contribute to our understanding of historical boys' clothing. As you know I can only go so far with the images I have colleted. The material you have so kindly contributed has made a trmendous difference in building an interesting and informative site.
A new page alert of HBC activity is available on a daily basis. We will alert you whenever a new page is created or an existing page significantly modified. This is another service avaiable to HBC contributors. If you want this service, just send us an e-mail.
Our production varies from day to day, but there is commonly at least 1-5 new pages uploaded daily. Here is a sample of a day's work (August 1, 2005):
German cropped hair: Gender trends
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