Pictorial Review: Other Featutes

Figure 1.-- The 'Pictorial Review' was a magazine designed to market William Paul Ahnelt's American Fashion Company's patterns. The first edition was published September 1899. It gradually evolved into a fashion/woman's magazine. This is one of the last issues.

Pictorial Review developed into much more than a pattern catalog. It became one of the most important American woman's magazines. It gradually evolved into a respected fashion/woman's magazine with much more than just home sewing patterns. It became one of the major American women's magazines (1920s). As the magazine developed, it came to include excellent fiction, women and children issues, homemaking and recipe ideas, fashions of the time, and advertising. A popular feature was the Dolly Dingel paper dolls. It was a little treat mothers could give to their daughters. The magazine had attractive colored cover illustrations--usually a fashionablely dressed woman.


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Created: 3:23 AM 11/12/2010
Last updated: 3:23 AM 11/12/2010