*** vintage Amertican boys' black velvet kilt suit kilt skirt

Vintage Clothing: American Boys' Black Velvet Kilt Suit--Kilt Skirts (1898)

Figure 1.--Like the vest, the jacket decoration was also continued on the kilt skirt. Unfortumately, the waistline is covered up by the vest. Thus we do not get to see the waustine and to see hw it was fastened. So we do not know just how these garments differed from a standard skirt. he front was decorated, but plain, the rest is pleated all the way around. All the decoration is at the front.

Like the vest, the jacket decoration was also continued on the kilt skirt. Unfortumately, the waistline is covered up by the vest. Thus we do not get to see the waustine and to see hw it was fastened. So we do not know just how these garments differed from a standard skirt. he front was decorated, but plain, the rest is pleated all the way around. All the decoration is at the front. From the front, they seem to be very sharp pleats. From the bck they look like box pleats. Unlike Highland kilts, we do not normally see bright plaid kiklts with these suits, although many of the suits were done in very muted plaids. This was, hiwever, not just for the kilt suit, but for all the suit garments


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Created: 7:39 PM 7/24/2023
Last updated: 7:39 PM 7/24/2023