*** vintage Amertican boys' black velvet kilt suit vest

Vintage Clothing: American Boys' Black Velvet Kilt Suit--Vests (1898)

Figure 1.--Vests were much more common in the 19th than the 20th century. We are not sure why, just the greater formality of 19th centyry dress. Perhaops the lack of centrall heating was a fsctor. This is a very highly decorated vests, one of the most highly decorated vests we have found, either for kilt suits or regular suits. Notice the decorated areas are the areas that would show. The upper areas were covered up by the jacket.

Vests were much more common in the 19th than the 20th century. We are not sure why, just the greater formality of 19th centyry dress. Perhaops the lack of central heating was a factor. This is a very highly decorated vests, one of the most highly decorated vests we have found, either for kilt suits or regular suits. Notice the decorated areas are the areas that would show. The upper areas were covered up by the jacket. There is an amazing amount of decorative emnbrodiery. While the black velvet is suggestive of Fauntleroy suits, the vest is the exact opposite of the Fauntleroy suit. The vest covered uop what ever blouse or shirt was being worn. The Fauntleroy cut-away jacket was designed to show off the fancy Fauntleroy blouses to best effect. Vests were very commonly worn wih kilt suits. Not all were done with vest, but our initial assessment is that most were. Vests were very common with standard suits as well in the 19th century.


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Created: 8:38 AM 7/24/2023
Last updated: 8:38 AM 7/24/2023