Garments Worn at Japanese Non-Uniform Schools: Headwear Styles

Figure 1.--Here we see a group of Japanese school children. They look to be on a field trip. The children do not wear uniforms, but the. have stadardized headwear, The boys wear baseball caps. The girls wear rounded-crown hats. The photograph is not dated, but looks like the 1960s to us. Notice the cherry trees blooming in the background.

Boys and girls wore the same headwear styles at both uniform and non-uniform schools, although some styles were mostly worn at uniform schools. There were gender conventions for many of these styles. We notice both hats and caps, although capa were the most common. This has changed over time. Boys mostly wore cadet caps in the early-20th century, even with traditional clothing. Girls might wear sailor hayts, but this seems less common than the boys's cadet caps. We also see army caps. Through World War II, children if they wore Western clothing generally wire unifirms. The picture becomes more complicated after the War. We note a wide range of hats and caos. The hats were odten rounded-crown hats with narrow brims. These hhat were done in various styles and material. These hts were most common for girls, but younger boys also wore them. This style, however, seems more common with unifioms. We see bow wearing a soft hat, We are more just what to call this style, perhapos a turned-down swabie hat. They were done in various colors. Baseball caps became very common for boys, but girls also wore them. They also were done in many colors, including bright colors. Bright colors were a safety feature, a useful feature given the age of the children. We also note berets, but they are less common than baseball caps. And they seem more common for girls than boys. Peaked caps were worn, but this was another style more common at uniform schools.


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Created: 7:16 PM 3/10/2009
Last updated: 4:08 AM 7/20/2012