Individual Swiss State Schools: Rüdlingen School

Figure 1.--A group of 12-year old children in Rüdlingen School. Rüdlingen is a village in the Zurich canton with only a single school; therefore the name of the school is the same as the town. The photo was taken on November 9, 1955. Their teacher, Herr Maier, stands at the back with a suit and striped tie. The boys seem to wear either knickers with knee socks or short trousers with Strapsleibchen and long, rather heavy-textured stockings.

A group of 12-year old children in Rüdlingen School. Rüdlingen is a village in the Zurich canton with only a single school; therefore the name of the school is the same as the town. The photo was taken on November 9, 1955. Their teacher, Herr Maier, stands at the back with a suit and striped tie. The boys seem to wear either knickers with knee socks or short trousers with Strapsleibchen and long, rather heavy-textured stockings. Notice the ribbing on the long stockings of the boy kneeling in the center of the front row. Another boy in the front row, towards the left, seems to have sportily textured long stockings as well, but without the wide ribbing. The boy close to the center in the front row who is wearing plus-fours (baggy knickers) has on argyle knee socks but without garters to keep them up, so that they look saggy and wrinkled. Children often care little about such things although their parents or teachers usually take a stricter view of neatness in boys' dress. Some 12-year old boys still wore Strapsleibchen or "stocking shirts" with supporters for long stockings; but older boys sometimes preferred garter belts as more grown-up. Of course, we have no way of knowing from the photographs what their mothers prescribed for them. Notice the heavy woolen sweaters. At least one boy is wearing a suit jacket. The girls wear dresses and pinafores, probably a requirement. Notice, too, that the boys who wear suspenders with their trousers tend to wear them on top of their weaters so that the sweaters must be tucked into the trousers.


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Created: 4:44 PM 3/22/2009
Last updated: 6:50 PM 3/29/2009