German Lederhosen Chronology: The 1960s--Jeans

Figure 1.--We begin to see more German boys wearing long pants in the 1960s. Here we see a group of German boys in 1963. Jeans bvecame very popular with teenagers in the 1960s and by the end of the decade more boys were also wearing them.

One reason that Lederhosen began to decline in popularity is that German boys began to increasingly wear long pants and short pants began to go out of fashion. This was combined with aew fashion phenomenon--American jeans. We see jeans in the 1950s, but they really did not begin to become popular for boys until the 1960s, especially the late 1960s. It was teenagers who were increasingly making fashion decesions on their own that began wearing jeans. Many mothers and fathers did nokt approve of them. We are not sure here who objected more. And pre-teen and younger teens had much less to say avout their clothing than older teenagers. But by the lste teens we see many boys wearing jeans rather than Lederhosen and other types of short psnts. This fashion shift was much more pronounced in the 1970ds. Short pants were in the 1960s not yet entirely casual summer wear, but boys did begin wearing them mostly in the summer. Jeans were seen as casual wear and thus on a number of levels began replacing Lederhosen.


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Created: 8:35 AM 6/10/2009
Last updated: 8:35 AM 6/10/2009