U.S. Long Stockings: Other Colors--the 1900s

Figure 1.--Here we see two brothers having their portrait taken. The image is unidentified, but the clothing and photographic mount style suggest the portrair was taken in the 1900s. All white outfits including white stockings was a popular style at the time for younger children. Also notice the two bar strap shoes.

Most boys in the 1900s wore black long stockings. There were, however, some exceptions. We note some boys wearing white long stockings, mostly commonly with tunic suits. We also see younger boys wearing white stockings with sailor suits and other outfits. These boys involved here would have been boys from affluent families. We have seen quite a few images of boys wearing white tunic suits with white long stockings. In 1908-09 we have the illustration of a tunic suit in which the color of the stockings is ambiguous because the image is a line drawing, but the stockings here may be either white or beige. We also note boys wearing lighter colored stockings. See for example a Martha's Vinyard family about 1905-06. We note stockings that are clearly not wight, but we are not at all sure about the color. A good example is Ellis Gray Holden in 1908.


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Created: 10:53 PM 5/2/2005
Last updated: 3:19 AM 9/15/2007