Figure 1.--Here we see an American boy in the late-1960s with his hair cut in bangs. This was very common for younger boys in the early 60s, but also became popular with younger teenagers after the Beatles became popular. Note the longer styling at the sides.

American Bangs: Chronology--The 20th Century

We notice American children, both boys and girls, wearing bangs throughout the 20th century. The styles in which the bangs were done varied over time. They seem especially popular during the early-20th century. The styling and age convetions varied over time. Dutch-boy bangs were popular for younger boys in the early-20th century. A good example is Floyd Van Horne about 1915. Another boy, John Koch, also wears bangs about the sane time. We see some boys with very severely cut bangs. Bangs were really popular during the 1960s in America. Before the Beatles hit, long bangs in the front were the "Surfer" look that boys, especially in Junior and High school really liked. If you were blond, or could bleach your hair, you were really cool. Basngs were worn with short hair in the early 1960s, but by the 1970s bangs were being worn the the popular longer styles. The rest of the haircut was short, except for the bangs, which could hang down to your eyebrows. When the Beatles got popular, the rest of the hair on the head caught up with the bangs.


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Created: 12:41 AM 1/27/2007
Last edited: 3:25 AM 7/10/2013