American Brothers (about the late-1850s)

Figure 1.--This a quarter plate ambrotype portrai of four boys (presumavly bothers). Thie portrait is nicely tinted with a peripheral ring that is iridescent and toning on the edge. Looking at the photograph you can see that the two younger boys have matching cut-away jacket suits and the two older boys have lighter-colored sack suits. This complementary dress is also seen in their hair styles with the younger boys having ringlet curls. They look to be the same age, about 6 years old. The portrait is not dated, but was probably taken in the late-1850s. Put your cursor on the image to see the full ambro and metal frame.

This a quarter plate ambrotype portrai of four boys (presumavly bothers). Thie portrait is nicely tinted with a peripheral ring that is iridescent and toning on the edge. Unfortunately the boys are not idebtified and we have no idea where the portrait was taken. Looking at the photograph you can see that the two younger boys have matching cut-away jacket suits with white collars and no neckwear. The two older boys have collar bows with lighter-colored sack suits. This complementary dress is also seen in their hair styles with the younger boys having ringlet curls. The older brothers look to be about 9-14 years old. The younger brothers look closr in age , about 5-7 years old. They may even be twins. old. The portrait is not dated, but was probably taken in the late-1850s. The early 60s is possible, but the CDV rapidly replaced both Daguerreotypes and Ambrotypes after about 1862. The cut-away jackets were very common in the 1860s, but note that they are not significantly cut away.


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Created: 1:00 AM 10/26/2006
Last edited: 3:20 AM 9/8/2008