Figure 1.-- This 1890 cabinet card portrait shows an unidentified biy with thicj ringlet curls. done in an unusual manner. They seem to come from the crown of the head. The boy's knee panys suit has a jacket with Norfolk styling. The vertical pleats were common. The horiontal belts came later. Notice the rounded-crown hat with the upturned brim. He has llow-cut shoes at aume in wgich high-tops were much more common. The studio was Taggard in Lynn, Massachusetts.

U.S. Boys' Ringlet Curl Styles: Characteristics -- Thickness

Another charisteristics of ringlet curls was the thickness. We see slender, narrow, medium, and thick ringlets. we are not entirely sure on what basis mothers chose the different thicknesses. The amount of hair avilable to work with surely was a factor. This varied from child to child, but some younger children did not have as much hair to work with as some mothers desired. Thickness did not affect affect the length of the ringlets. It did affect the number of righlets. More slender ringlets could be formed than thick ringlets. It was just a matter of the amount of hair available. Thicker ringlets required more of the hair to be used. We tend to notice more slender and regular than thick ringles, but this is just a preliminary assessment. We do not know yet if chronology was a factor. We do tend to see more thick ringlets done for boys than girls. We do not know if the thicker ringlet curls were more difficult to form than the slender righlets. We hope to be able to say more about these trends as HBC expands.


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Created: 11:17 PM 9/29/2014
Last edited: 11:17 PM 9/29/2014