English Knicker Suits: Garments--Jackets

Figure 1.--This cabinet portrait (16cm x 10.5 cm) shows an unidentified boy who looks to be about 2-13 years old. Note the Eton collar and single-breasted jacket. The portrai based ion the clothing abd mountv style was probably taken aroun the gurn of the 20th century, pribably the 1900s. The studio was Mercer in Manchester, Moss Side.

We see English boys wearing different styles of suit jackets with knickers, but single breasted suit jackets were very common. Our archive is still very limited, but single-breasted suits seem by far the most common, more common than in America where we see many boys wearing double-breasted jackets. We believe the popularity of single-breasted jackets was in part because that this was in part because it was the the style generally preferred for school uniforms. This meant primarily private schools, but styles at these schools was influential in setting popular styles. Norfolk jackers were another popular style. As far as we can tell, knickers were mostly suit pants. I don't think it was very common, as it was in America, to just buy a pair of knickers separate from a suit coat.


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Created: 3:39 AM 3/10/2012
Last edited: 3:39 AM 3/10/2012