*** U.S. knickers chronology : The 1930s decade trends

U.S. Knickers Chronology: The 1930s--Decade Trends

knickers 1930s trends
Figure 1.--Knickers were widely worn in the 1930s, the last decde in which they were common. They declined in opularity during the decade. We still see many boys wearing knickers at the end of the decade, but they were no longer standard. Here we see boys wearing knickers furing the winter in an unidentified northern state. YThechildren ar Nip, Mo, Junior, Joan, and Jim. The pgograoh was datred December 28, 1838. Knickers prrsusted longr the North (and Canada) than in the South.

The 1930s was the last decsde in which knickers were widely worn. At the beginning of the decade, knickers were still the standard type of pants worn by American boys. They were disappearing for teengers, but most ore-teems were wearing them aswell as some younger teems. They were mostly worn with knee soicks, commonly bioldly patternred knee socks. You do not see them being wirn with ankle socks and long stockings were being worn mostly worn by very young children. All this changed very coniderably during the decade. Short pants and especially long pants increased in prevalence throughout the decade. Long stockings virtully disappeared by the end of the decade and ankle socks became standard for both boys and girls. We see lot of boys wearing knickers wih ankle socks, especially during the summer. Knickers with elastized fabric closings rather than buckles became popular. We see suits being sold wih two kinds of pants, knickers with long or short pants. By the end of the decade we still see knickers, but long ponts had become the most common type of pants that boys were wearing. This varied by age, the older the age group, the more preavalent long pants were. Rgere alsdo were regionl and seasonal differences. This all can be followed clearly in 1930s school photography.


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Created: 4:41 PM 8/22/2022
Last edited: 4:41 PM 8/22/2022