** U.S. short pants suits: chronology 1960s

U.S. Short Pants Suits: The 1960s

Figure 1.--This family snapshot shows a proud American mother with her son. He wears what looks like a red standard lapel blazer and probably black or navy blue short pants. The snapshot is undated, but the mother's dress style and the boy's blazer (Narrow lapels) suggest the 1960s. He looks to be about 6 years lold.

We still see some American boys wearing short pants suits in the 1960s. For the most part they were pre-school boys or younger grade school boys to about 8-9 years of age. We see both Eton and lapel jackets, including blazers worn with short pants. We continue to see quite a few boys wearing short pants suits, often white suits, for First Communion. This would mean boys about 7 years of age. Long pants suits were much more common, but we still see quite a few boys wearing short pants suits. There appear to have been a social class factor at play here. Most of the boys wearing shortpants suits seem to have been from affluent families. This was somewhat less the case for pre-school boys, but notable for school age boys. We note that Bobby Kennedy's boys wore short pants suits. Boys no longer wore suits to school and even short pants in genral were not common in public schools, even grade (primry schools) school. Boys at some private schools did wear short pants suits in some cases the school uniform. And this often mean suitable knee sock. This was primary school. We do not jnw of any secondary schools tht had short pants uniforms. Short pants suits might be seen at church or other formal occasion like weddings. Other special events might be outings to theaters and concerts. I remember going to a musical with my parents at the National Theater in Wshington during 1961. A boy about 11-12 years old in an overcoat and black short pants suit and knee socks sat in front of us. That was the last time I saw an Americn boy that age wearing a short pants suit. His mother was very fashionably dressed I suspect they came from well-to-do family. It may have been a school uniform. We are not sure about that.


We still see some American boys wearing standard short pants suits in the 1960s. Not very many, but we do see some, mostly in the early 1960s.


The Americanm boys wearing short pants suits in the 1960s were For the most part they were pre-school boys or younger grade school boys to about 8-9 years of age. Some okder boyswore short pants suits, but it was becoming increasihgly less common.


We see American boys wearing both Eton and lapel suit jackets with short pants durinhg the 1960s. Eton short pants suits were very common for pre-school boys and also worn by the younger primary boys to some extent. The lapel jacket short pants suits were no longer very common, by mid-decade. We see some examples, but not very many, especially by the end of the decade. What we see more commonly were boys wearing blazers with short pants. The boy here is a good example (figure 1). Blue blazers were the most common, but we also see red blazers and oyher colors. This was still fairly common for boys under abour 10 years of age. Sports jackets were still worn in the 1960s. These were an altenative to more formal suits. Sports jackets had louder patterns than suit jackerts and did not have matching pants. This was the last decade that these jackets were very common. The siappearnce of sport jackets was part of the declining popularity of suits and increasing informality of dress. We rearely see them being worn with short pants. An exception were Madras jackets, a very popoular style in the 1960s. This was a popular preppy style. We also notice plaid jackets.

First Communion

One exception to the smaller number of boys wearing short pants, was Catholic First Communiin suits. We continue to see quite a few boys wearing short pants suits, often white suits, for First Communion. This would mean boys about 7 years of age. Long pants suits were becoming more common, but we still see quite a few boys wearing short pants suits for First Communion.

Social Class

There appear to have been a social class factor at play concerning short pants suits. Most of the boys wearing short pants suits seem to have been from affluent families. This does not necesarily mean the upper-class, but at least the upper-middle-class. This was somewhat less the case for pre-school boys, but notable for school age boys. We note that Bobby Kennedy's boys wore short pants suits (1960s). A reader writes, " I remember some very wealthy boys attending a party held by a Danish prince. All the boys wore short pants suits which was something I rarely remember seeing asit was around 1960-63. Some of the boys were 11-13 years old which was quite old for a short pants suit to me. (I am guessing the ages.) All the girls wore party dresses. Not all the boys wore Eton style jackets but most did. I think the older boys wore regular sports jackets with Bermuda shorts but that is a guess. Though at least one of the older boys wore an Eton styled jacket. If I recall correctly I think he was European with a Beatle's styled haircut and blond hair but he could have been younger but tall. It was so long ago, my remember is a little hazy. I don't know. For some reason I recall that many of those boys had scraped knees but not the older ones. And not the boy with the Eton suit and very tall. He was immaculate. Funny, I don't remember talking to him after an introduction and his name was very foreign sounding too bad I no longer remember it."


Boys no longer wore suits to school and even short pants in genral were not common in public schools, even grade (primry schools) school. Boys at some private schools did wear short pants suits in some cases the school uniform. And this often meant matching knee sock. This was primary level private schools. We do not jnw of any secondary schools that had short pants uniforms. Short pants suits might be seen at church or other formal occasion like weddings. Other special events might be outings to theaters and concerts. I remember going to a musical with my parents at the National Theater in Wshington during 1961. A boy about 11-12 years old in an overcoat and black short pants suit and knee socks sat in front of us. That was the last time I saw an Americn boy that age wearing a short pants suit. His mother was very fashionably dressed I suspect they came from well-to-do family. It may have been a school uniform. We are not sure about that.

Additional Information

New style: 1920s

The Party: 1950s

Traveling in Europe: 1960s

British debate: 1960s

Boyhood memories


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Created: 5:30 AM 12/22/2014
Last updated: 9:45 AM 2/26/2021