*** American kilt suits: usage

American Kilt Suits: Usage

kilt suits
Figure 1.--These children were taken for an outing to Blaney Beach in Swampscott, Massachusetts, we think in the 1890s. Now conventions at the time was to dress up, even when going to the beach, but we still see the boys wearing their kilt suits away from home as well as the headwear worn with them (a sailor cap and a broad-brimmed straw hat). We thought that here we had two boys wearing kilt suits and a grl wearing a dress. And this is confirmed because we have their names: John Blaney, Norman Albree, and Marion Wardwell. The relationship between the children is unclear. The ages are not indicated, but we would guess about 4 years. The print was taken with a glass plate negative. Note the great tabby puss.

Our archive of kilt suits as it mostly 19th century images is almost entirely studio portaits. This meant that adoring mothers dressed the children up for the portrait. Family snapshots were not common before the turn-of-the 20th century which is when kilt suits were mostly worn. As aesult we are not sure just how and when kilt suits were worn when the boys were not done up for their portraits. Whilr most photographs were studio portrits, we have found a few snap shots. Mot many, but a few. Photogrphy was too complicated fir most people until the Kodalk Brownie appeared (1900). But there were afew photograpjy enthuiasts. This usully meant eople wth money. So many of the early snapshot images are of relatibely affluent children. And there was a social-class component to kilt suits. Children from affluent families ir at lest the comfortable middle class wore them. We see fewer working-class children wearing them. And the few snap-shot type images we have found show the boys in play situation and not just dress up sutuations. These look to be mostly 1890s images, so we have a narrow window here. This suggesrs that the kilt suit was everyday wear. Of course there may have been ailt suit worn for special occasions and another for play. But our archive here is too limited to make any firm assessments.


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Created: 6:03 PM 3/10/2016
Last updated: 6:03 PM 3/10/2016