German Boys' Tunics: Chronology--1950s

Figure 1.--This Christmas scene appears to be a page out of a magazine or catalog. It may have been a pattern catalog. The text reads, "Glücklich strahlende Augen ... nicht allein der herrlichen Spielsachen wegen, sondern auch wegen der schönen neuen Kleider, die Mutti ihnen gestrickt hat!" That means, "Happy radiant eyes, not just because of the wonderful toys, but also because of the beautiful new dresses that mummy had knitted for them!" The children seem to have matching tunics. Note thepoms and Lapp-like detailing.

We do see tunics appearing again, briefly in the 1950s. Or at least garments that look rather like tunics. We are not sure how prevalent they were in the 50s. We see them more in fashion magazines and catalogs than the photographic record. We also see them in pattern catalogs. They would have been popular with home sewers as they were fairly simple to sew. Unlike the tunics worn in the early 20th century, we see these tunics very rarely. They were worn with matching pants. We think many were worn with romper pants, byt we are not entirely sure about this. Some of these tunics were done in coordinaed brother-sister outfits. These tunics unlike the earlier tunics, many of the 195s tunics were not belted. We see them done in bright colors and a variety of detailing including pom balls. We also see popular 1950s toys.


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Created: 2:33 AM 12/31/2008
Last updated: 2:33 AM 12/31/2008