The Fauntleroy suit is often associated with lace collars. This was usually a detachable collar and not part of the blouse. The lace collars came in all kinds of lace and in different sizes and shapes. We see rounded collars as well as in many other shapes such as stars, rays, cascades. clusrers and much more. True lace is hand woven, not mass produced which is why it is so expensive. And why there so many different styles. The cost of course limited its use to the well-to-do. There was one exception--cut-out lace. This actually was not lace, but an inexpensive item that gave somewhat the appearance of lace. Our impression is that lace collars were more common in Britain at least in relative terms. Lace collars were often worm with collar-buttoning jackets rather than a cut-way jacket that was common with Fauntleroy blouses that were often done with large ruffled collars. `
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