*** English sailor suits : chronology 1920s outfits

English Sailor Suits Chronology: The 1920s

English sailor suits
Figure 1.-This postcard-back portrait is undated, but looks like the early-20s to us. (the late-1910s is also possible. Thev children are unidentified, but kook to be about 3-9 years old. The dealer believes the portrait was taken in Kettering, a market town in the east Midlands. The boys wear identicakl classic white sailor suits. Their little sister wears a white dress and huge hair bow..

Sailor suits continued to beworn to some extent after World War I, but a major change ocurred in the inter-War era. The sailor suit was no longer a major style for boys. We are not sure why this change occurred. We do not see a similar shift in France and Germany. In fact the sailor suiy continued to be extemelyh popular in those countries. We do notice a similar shift in America, although not to the same extent. The sailor suit for what ever reassons were, however, not nearly as common as before the War. In addition, they were increasingly worn by younger boys. It was rare to see an English boy older than 8 or 9 years of age wearing a sailor suit. This was in part because boys from affluent families generally began their preparatory schools at age 8. And the sailor suit from the beginning was especially popular with middle-class families. Most boys once they began wearing their school uniforms, no longer wanted to wear sailor suits which they looked on as only suitable for little boys. Most of the images we have found from the inter-War era come from the 1920s, especially the early-20s. This is a little difficult to measure as many of the images wee have archived are undated. We can rather comfortably date these images to the decade, but getting to the precise year is impossible.


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Created: 8:01 PM 6/7/2023
Last updated: 8:01 PM 6/7/2023