German Sailor Suit Trousers: Bloomer Knickers--Chronology

Figure 1.-- This CDV portrait shows an unidentified boy wearing a sailor suit with bloomer knickers. The portraot was taken September 1900. CDVs were common in Europe after they had disappeared in America. We are not sure why. The studio was Ernst Eberle in Ulm in Bavaria.

We see bloomer knickers these pants at about the same time sailor suits first appeared, although they were not at first worn with sailor suits. They were worn by younger boys with a variety of different suits, some with fancy styling. Long pants and knee pants may have been more common at first. We are not sure precisely when they began to e worn with sailor blouses, perhaps the 1870s. Our 19th century German archive is still fairly limited. We are still working on the chronology. But they seem most prevalent at the turn-of-the 20th century. We note them in the late-19th and early 20 century. We do have a few images archived on HBC of German boys wearing what look like bloomer knickers. A good example is a unidentified German boy about 1905. we do not see these bloomer knickers to any extent after World War I. Short pants after the War became more common with sailor suits.


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Created: 5:18 AM 12/10/2007
Last updated: 5:00 AM 7/4/2014