Anthony Wager - (England, 1932- )

Figure 1.--We know very little about this English child actor Anthony Wager. Anthony delivered a fine performance as Pip in David Lean's impressive screen adaptation of Charles Dicken's 'Great Expectations'.

We know very little about this English child actor Anthony Wager. Anthony was born June 24, 1932, in London. We do know that he delivered a fine performance as pip in David Lean's impressive screen adaptation of Charles Dicken's 'Great Expectations'. Anthony was about 13 years old when this film was made. As far as we call tell it was his first movie role. He had many film roles after Great Expectations. In 'Fame is the Spur' (1946), Anthony played Hamer as a child. In 'Hungary Hill' (1947), Anthony played young Johny. In the 'The Guina Pig' (1948), Anthony played Bert. This was an especially important film which concerned the experiment of giving secondary scholarships to working-class boys. Until after World War II, working-class children did not commonly pursue education beyond primary school. It was billed in America as 'The Outsider'. Anthony continued his film career as an adult. His last film was 'Lamda 1' (1966).


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Created: March 14, 2003
Last updated: 10:29 PM 2/9/2017