The King's Speech (England, 2010)

Figure 1.-- No one who has not had a terrible speech impediment or been close to someone who does can inderstand what a terrible disability it is. Here a boy named William is having speech therapy with unorthodox speech therapist Lionel Logue. The image symbolizes how a speech ipediment can isolate a small child leaving him alone in a large threatening world.

The King's Speech' was one of the better films of 2010. It is also a film of considerable historic interest. The fim is about King George VI who rose to the throne when his older brother, the uncrowned King Edward VI was forced to abdicate the Crown because he wanted to marry Mrs. Simpson--an American divorcee. The problem was that Bertie as was called grew up very much in his personable older brother's shadow. Unlike Edward, he was rather shy and even worse he had a terrible stutter. No one who has not had a terrible speech impediment or been close to someone wgo does can inderstand what a terrible disability it is. Bertie avoided public speeking at all costs. Until the Simpson affair, he and his family including Pincesses Elizabeth and Margaret Rose lived a comfortable, but quiet essentially private life. With Edward rising to the throne, no one paid a great deal of attention to Bertie and his family. Suddenly they were thrust into the white heat of press scrutiny. And as king, there was no way he could avoid public speaking. And no one expected their king to stutter. Some comparing him to his older brother who projected an air of charisma, some doubted his leadership abilities, just at the time that Hitler was being to project the power of a rearmed Germany. One of the ironies of history is that George VI who a quiet, gentle spoken man who never wanted to be king and a world leader had a severe speech impediment. And he was pitted against Adolf Hitler who wanted to dominate the world and was a naturally gifted and strident orator. Bertie hires a speech therapist, Lionel Logue. He employs a set of techniques that Bertie had not expected. There is a scene with a little boy who is having speech theropy. He his typically dressed for the 1930s. Also another interesting scene is the speech theropist's family. He has three boys, one of which makes model airplanes. There is a scene where the boy is working on them. Slowly Bertie and Logue forge a friendship. All of this takes place beyond the view of the British people who had no idea that there new king stammered. And slowly the new King George VI find his voice to make a radio address to his people. Prieminister Churchill along with King George Vi would be the face and voice of Britain throughout the long War to come.


The King's Speech' was one of the better films of 2010.

Historical Bavkground

It is also a film of considerable historic interest. The fim is about King George VI who rose to the throne when his older brother, the uncrowned King Edward VI was forced to abdicate the Crown because he wanted to marry Mrs. Simpson--an American divorcee. The problem was that Bertie as was called grew up very much in his personable older brother's shadow. Unlike Edward, he was rather shy and even worse he had a terrible stutter. No one who has not had a terrible speech impediment or been close to someone wgo does can inderstand what a terrible disability it is. Bertie avoided public speeking at all costs. Until the Simpson affair (which the British Press withheld from the British public for months), he and his family including Pincesses Elizabeth and Margaret Rose lived a comfortable, but quiet essentially private life. With Edward rising to the throne, no one paid a great deal of attention to Bertie and his family. Suddenly they were thrust into the white heat of press scrutiny. And as king, there was no way he could avoid public speaking. And no one expected their king to stutter. Some comparing him to his older brother who projected an air of charisma, some doubted his leadership abilities, just at the time that Hitler was being to project the power of a rearmed Germany. One of the ironies of history is that George VI who a quiet, gentle spoken man who never wanted to be king and a world leader had a severe speech impediment. And he was pitted against Adolf Hitler who wanted to dominate the world and was a naturally gifted and strident orator.


Several children have small roles. The speech therapist has two sons. They seem to go to an independent school or grammar school but this is not explained. We see one of his patients here (figure 1).


Bertie hires a speech therapist--Lionel Logue. The therapist and his sons live in a shabby rented house in a working class area of London. He is set up in Harley street. He was apparently on a limited income and had not generated enough patients to bring in the money. As the film develops the surroundings become better furnished and warmer. The practice had a large room for the way he thought speech impediments should be treated (figure 1). He had also obtained the latest recording technology from the US and had other equipment. Logue employs a set of techniques that Bertie had not expected. Slowly Bertie and Logue forge a friendship. All of this takes place beyond the view of the British people who had no idea that there new king stammered. Bertie is terrified about the first speech he has to make to the British people as their king. And slowly the new King George VI find his voice to make a radio address to his people. Prieminister Churchill along with King George Vi would be the face and voice of Britain throughout the long War to come.

Speech Therapy

No one who has not had a terrible speech impediment or been close to someone who does can inderstand what a terrible disability it is. My brother had a bad stammer and it was hell for him at school, And at the time the school dids not offer any assisztance. Here a boy named William is having speech therapy with unorthodox speech therapist Lionel Logue (figure 1). The image symbolizes how a speech ipediment can isolate a small child leaving him alone in a large threatening world. Logue had his stammerers learn to speak in Sparton conditions. There were some very strange practices like filling your mouth with ice cubes and speaking. I supose that the ice was so bothersome it took the patient's mind off the stammer. Perhaps it was related to Demosthenes, considered to be the greatest ancient Greek orator. As a youth, he worked at improving his speaking skills. He practiced speaking with a mouth full of pebbles to improve his articulation. He also shouted at coast above the ocean waves to improve his volume. <>br>


The costuming seems historically correct. It was winter time so the children are heavily dressed up in coats, sweaters, and scarves. There is a scene with a little boy who is having speech theropy (figure 1). He his typically dressed for the 1930s. Also another interesting scene is the speech theropist's family. He has three boys, one of which makes model airplanes. There is a scene where the boy is working on them.


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Created: 10:08 PM 1/31/2011
Last updated: 10:08 PM 1/31/2011