Schinder's List (US, 1993)

Figure 1.--Stephem Speilberg's 'Schinder's List' has some of the most realistic film depictions of the Holocaust. The Holocaust unfolded differently in various NAZI jurisdictions. At ghettoes and some camps before the death camos were operationl, families were interned together. The Germans did not like feeding non-workers, including the children. Thus there were roundups of children who were then trucked away to be killed. Here one of the boys is hiding from the Germans in a latrine.

Oscar Schindler was a German businessman who had come to Crakow to benefit from the opportunities created by NAZI policies. He found and operated a formerly Jewish factory in the Zablocie district. He used his factory to save 1,098 Jews from the Plaszow camo. Speilberg's film "Schindler’s List" was filmed at the site of the Cracow ghetto. "Schinder's List" is the most realistic and moving of all the Holocaust films. One wrenching scene that I can not get out of my mind is a scene from "Schindler's List" where the NAZI guards are rounding up the children to kill them because they are not productive. Many of the children try to hide, but are found. One scene shows a boy that hid in the waste and excrement under the out house. This to be is one of the most haunting scenes in film history. There is no dialog, but I found it to be one of the most heart wrenching scenes in the film. A reader writes, "I saw the entry for this film and agree that the scene mentioned was a very moving one, so were the scenes that preceded it, where the children are being driven away from the forced labour camp. I'm sure you'll agree that there are many moving scenes in this film which are too numerous to mention." A reader writes, "One of the memorable scenes for me is at the end where Leam Neeson (Schindler) breaks down and he says, 'if only I could have got more out,' or something like that. Another scene is when the women are sent to Auschwitz by mistake instead of being snt to Schindler's factory in Czechoslovakia. You see them having their hair cut and being marched into what they think is the gas chamber, but is in fact a shower block. They stand there shivering expecting the gas to come throught the shower head, but when the water comes out instead their relief is tangible." Ralph Feinnes played the sadistic NAZI officer Amon Goeth. A reader tells us, "I saw him in one of the evening news broadcasts in which he was featured in a report about something he is currently engaged in doing with UNICEF. I thought what a different person he is to the one he portrayed in Schindler's List. I know that it was only a part he played, but I wonder how much an effect such a role can have on an actor." One wrenching scene that I can not get out of my mind is a scene from Schindler's List where the NAZI guards are rounding up the children. Many of the children try to hide, but are found. One scenr shows a boy that hid in the waste and excrement under the out house. There is no dialog, but I found it to be one of the most heart wrenching scenes in the film. The film leaves it to the imagination what was done with the children. They were being rounded up to kill them because they were not productive. This is the same reason the children were selective for immediate murder when they arrived at Auschwitz and other concentration camps.


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Created: 8:03 AM 11/30/20111
Last updated: 8:03 AM 11/30/2011