Dutch Boys' Garments: Short Pants--Seasonality

Figure 1.--Many Dutch boys once wore short pants all year round. In the 1950s an increasing number og boys began wearing long pants during the colder winter months.

Many boys in the inter-war years wore short pants all year round, even during the cold winter months. Some older boys might wear knickers. This continue after World War II. In the immediate post-war era, many boys wore short pants all year round because their parents just couldn't aford seasonal wardrobes. The Netherlands like the rest of Europe was devestated by the War. Many did not even have jobs. Gradually as economic conditions improved, boyys began to acquire seasonal clothing. Older boys began wearing long pants in the winter. In thecold winter months most boys did wear long trousers, but some did wear shorts throughout the whole year.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: February 24, 2001
Last updated: February 24, 2001