Dutch Family Chronology: The 1950s

Figure 1.-- Here is an unidentified Dutch family scene. It is undated, but looks like the early 1950s to us. Apparently two boys are bisiting with their grandparents. Some other family members in what looks like a pleasant summer afternoon tea in the family garden.

Conditions in the Netherlands began to improve with the Marshall Plan (1948)and the first steps toward European integration. Despite the huge dislocations and destruction of World War II, the Dutch economy recovered mazingly quickly in the 1950s. By the end of the decade, the Dutch were more prosperous than before the War. This ws reflected in living standards and the clothing worn. Incomes rose and families could affor to dress better than ever before. While boys acquired large wardrobes, fashion became much more casual than ever before. Boys continued to wear short pants. Yiounger boys wore suspender shorts. By the end of the decade knee socks were not as common and we see more boys wearing long pants. We see some boys wearing open-toe sandals which were not common before the War.

Family Scene (Early 1950s)

Here is an unidentified Dutch family scene. It is undated, but looks like the early 1950s to us. Apparently two boys are visiting with their grandparents. Some other family members in what looks like a pleasant summer afternoon tea in the family garden. It looks like grandmothervis reading a story book to the boys. They are dressed similarly. They wear white or light-colored short-sleeve shirts and short pants. The younger boy wears suspender shorts.

Family Scene (Early 1950s)

Here we see another Dutch family scene in 1950 or 51. It is a colorized image. It looks like the family may have taken the grand kids to vist their grand parents out in the country duringvthe summer. Thevbioys both wear short psts with knee socks. The younger boy wears suspender shorts.


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Created: 11:24 PM 12/31/2008
Last updated: 7:02 PM 8/26/2010