American Families: The Veldcamp Family (1920s)

Figure 1.-- We note a formal studio portrait of the Veldcamp family. Mrs. Veldcamp is pictured sitting with her two sons and daughter. We know nothing about the family, but they look like a substantial middle class family. We do not know the children's first names. The children look to be about 10-16 years of age.

We note a formal studio portrait of the Veldcamp family. The Veldcamps were a family of Dutch origins that lived in Lawrence County,upper New York state--an area close to Canada. We know nothing more about the family. Mrs. Veldcamp is pictured sitting with her two sons and daughter. We know nothing about the family, but they look like a substantial middle-class Dutch family. We do not know the children's first names. The children look to be about 10-16 years of age. Mother and daughter for some reason are wearing their coats. The helmet-like cloche hats of the mother and daughter are a clear indication of the period. Notice Mrs. Veldcamp's fox pelt. The younger boy is weaing a short trousers suit with knee socks and a dark flat cap. His flat cap matches his suit better. The flat cap was the standard boys' cap in America and while worn in Europe, was not nearly as common as in America. The two boys wear suits with collar shirts and ties and flat caps. The younger of the two boys (sitting) wears a double breasted short trousers suit with dark gray knee socks with patterned cuffs. It is pretty clear that the elder boy (standing) also wears either short trousers or knickers because we can see his shoes and the absence of the bottom of long trousers. The boys seem to be about twelve and fourteen, ages at which knee trousers or knickers were usually prescribed. Notice the boys' polished black oxfords and what looks like a pen in the breast pocket of the boy who is standing. This is a good example of the rather long short pants that were commonly worn in the 1920s. The older boy is similar dressed and obviously wears either short trousers or knickers. The boys suits are similar, but not identical. Both show Norfolk influences. We can't see the older boy's knees, so we don't know whether he is wearing knee socks or long stockings. Either is quite possible, but as his little brither wears knee socks, it is likely that he also dies. The photo is undated but pretty obviously comes from the mid-1920s.


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Created: 12:37 AM 10/22/2010
Last updated: 12:14 AM 12/5/2010