Dutch Boys' Clothes: Hosiery--Chronology

Figure 1.--This 1943 photograph shows the type of socks that boys about 12-14 were wearing in 1943.

Dutch boys in the late 19th century commomly wore long dark stockings with kneepants. Kneesocks becanme increasingly common by the 1910s, but did not entirely replace long stockings. Younger Duch boys continued wearing long stockings into the 1940s. Kneesocks were common in the 1920s and 30s. HBC hasnoted some boys wearing abkle socks in the 1940s or allowing their kneesocks to fall down. Kneesocks wre still the dominate style until ankle socks came to be wodely worn in the 1950s.


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Created: March 12, 2001
Last updated: March 12, 2001