Paraguayan Pentecostal School

Figure 1.--We do not yet have any detailed information about Paraguayan schools. A reader has forwarded a photograph of a Penecostal community school during the 1930s. The Paraguyan Government provided land to this Pentecostal immigrant community group. The children all seem to be ethnic Poles or Slavs. The children are clearly not Paraguayan, but rather look Polish. We know that there Protestant missionaries in Paraguay in the 1930s, but the Polish Penecostals along with rthe Mennoites are the only group we know of that set up communities of Europeans. Put your cursor on the image to see the rest of the children at the school.

We do not yet have any detailed information about Paraguayan schools. A reader has forwarded a photograph of a Penecostal community school during the 1930s. The Paraguyan Government provided land to this Pentecostal immigrant community group. The children all seem to be ethnic Poles or Slavs. The children are clearly not Paraguayan, but rather look Polish. We know that there Protestant missionaries in Paraguay in the 1930s, but the Polish Penecostals along with rthe Mennoites are the only group we know of that set up communities of Europeans. The children here look to be about 6-10 or 11 years of age. This suggests that there was an older group of students. We see the school building in the background. The children wear white smocks. We see both back-buttoning and the lab coat style smocks. The girls seem to be wearing the back-buttoning smocks and the boys the labcoat smocks. We believe these white smocks were common at the time for Paraguayan school children. White smocjs were alzso worn in Argentina and Uruguay as well as Bolivia. Hopefully Paraguayan readers will be able to provide some additional information.


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Created: 12:31 AM 2/23/2011
Last updated: 12:25 AM 2/24/2011