* English school smocks tablier school type

English School Smocks: School Type

Figure 1.--The school here looks loike a private pre-school. The children look to bejust short of primary age abour 4-5 years old. They are wearing front-buttoning smicks. The photograph is unndated. We might guess the 1940s.

We do not yet have information on smocks being worn at 19th century English schools. Britain laged behind America and Germany in building a substanial public (state) school system, but finally did so in the late-19th century. We do not see any of these children wearing smocks, although we have very few images at this time. Nor as far as we can tell were they worn in the private schools. Most of the The examples we have found of English school children wearing smocks come from thev 20th century. We are not sure yet about state pre schools. The kmages we have found look like pre-prep schools, meaning schools for children only through the first two primary years (6-8 year olds) before they began their prep schools. The school here loooks like a pre-school (figure 1). We are not sure that was tge enture school. It could be pre-prep school and the older children were photographed separately. We do not see smocks at all in state primaries.


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Created: 7:15 PM 11/5/20200
Last updated: 7:15 PM 11/5/2020