English Eton Collars: Accompanying Garments--Shirt-like Garments

Figure 1.--Here we see two unidentified English children. They look to be about 6-10 years old. The boy wears a cut-way jacket with an Eton collar and knee pants. We can see the shirtwaist/blouse he is wearing, but no buttons. Often the shirt-like government is covered by a suit jacket and vest with boys wearing Eton collars. We are not sure that there were no buttons or the area is just too white for the buttons to show. His big sister has a white dress with long hair done in waves rather than ringlets. Both children wear dark long stockings. The portrait is undated, but the mount suggests the turn-of-the century to us. (Here we are a little uncertain. Our dating is based more on American mounts a we have fewer dated English mounts.) The studio is C. Katterns in Northampston.

It is not clear to us what kind of shirt-like garment was worn with Eton collars. The Eton collar was a detachable collar. It was seoarate from the shirt and and fastened to it by studs. And as it was unattached to the shirt, it could be much more heavily starched to a stiff cardboard-like consistency. The shirt garment was made without a collar. This would mean that it was a shirtwaist, a shirt without a collar. Unfortunarely because Eton collars were commonly worn with suits, often vested suits, we do not get to see the shirtwaist in the photgraphic record. We might see the cuffs peaking out from the jacket sleeves, but that is about it. You can see that with the boys on the previous page. Here we see a younger boys with a cut-away jackets where we can see the shirt-like garment worn. We are not sure if the shirt-like garment was the same as worn by the older boys. Hopefully we will eventually be able to find images that show off just what these garments were like.


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Created: 1:24 PM 10/20/2017
Last updated: 1:25 PM 10/20/2017