*** boys clothing for events : parties

Boys' Clothing for Different Events: Children's Parties

events children's parties
Figure 1.--Millions of American children have had their photographs take at their birthday parties. This was a party for a 7-year old boy in 1950.

A popular outing for children of all ages are parties. The most common for younger children is the birtday party. The birthday party is today the most important day of the year for mmany children in the Western world. We are not sure about other countries. It certainly is for American children, equalled only by Christmas. The same is true for children throughout Europe. We assume that birthdays parties are also held in many other countries around the world, but have few details. We are not sure when birthday parties first became major events for children. We suspect that it is one of the institutions that became established during the Victorian age as the modern concept of childhood began to form. I'm not sure about the precise chronology of birthday paries. I know they were a well established convention by the time I started having mine in the 1940s. The centerpiece in an American birthday party one was a bithday cake and blowing out the candles. This is not today as important as it once was. Children used to dress up for their birthday parties, although this varied from country to country. Modern birthday parties are decidely casual events. We have begun to collect birthday accounts, but have not had much success. We note an American birthday party in 1917. We also note the American birthday part seen here in the 1950s (figure 1). Modern birthday parties are decidely casual events. Birtday parties are not the only type of parties for younger children, but they are the most important. American birthday parties primarily involve inviting childhood friends. In other countries it is more of a family affair. For older children, other kinds of parties begin to become more important. We have begun to build country party pages. We have a page on English parties.


A popular outing for children of all ages are parties. Very young children might have pretend tea parties. The most common for younger children is the birtday party. The birthday party is today the most important day of the year for mmany children in the Western world. We are not sure about other countries. It certainly is for American children, equalled only by Christmas. The same is true for children throughout Europe. We assume that birthdays parties are also held in many other countries around the world, but have few details. We are not sure when birthday parties first became major events for children. We suspect that it is one of the institutions that became established during the Victorian age as the modern concept of childhood began to form. I'm not sure about the precise chronology of birthday paries. I know they were a well established convention by the time I started having mine in the 1940s. The centerpiece in an American birthday part one was a bithday cake and blowing out the candles. This is not today as important as it once was. Children used to dress up for their birthday parties, although this varied from country to country. Modern birthday parties are decidely casual events. We have begun to collect birthday accounts, but have not had much success. We note an American birthday party in 1917. We also note the American birthday part seen here in the 1950s (figure 1). Modern birthday parties are decidely casual events. Birtday parties are not the only type of parties for younger children, but they are the most important. American birthday parties primarily involve inviting childhood friends. In other countries it is more of a family affair. For older children, other kinds of parties begin to become more important.


Unfortunately there wee not a lot of photographs taken at 19th century children's parties. We know a lot more about the 20th century with the advent of the family snapshot. Parties and other social events used io be much more formal than is the case today. Thus a boy's best outfit was his party suit. Of particular importance, of course, was a boy's annual birthday party. These events were often very formal, stilted events. The nature and dress at these parties has changed significantly over the years. These parties were almost always indoor events in the 19th century, but in the 20th century the venue moved to some outdoor settings--perhaps to save wear and tear on the home.

Country Trends

We have begun to build country party pages. We do not yet have much information about party trends in different countries. We note many similarities around the world. Of course the clothing worn at the parties varied from country to country, although the diferences in Europe have gradually disappeared in the post-World War II era. At this tome we only have a few country party pages. We do have an American, English. and Finnish party pages.


There has been a evolution of party clothes. Children once wore their best clothes to go to parties like birthday parties. This varied somewhat by the type of party. Birthday parties in particular were dressed up occassions. Children often wore their best clothes to parties. One exception here was costume parties. Dressing up in elaborate costumes was very popular. This was generally the case until well after World War II. Parties are now primarily casual events. Costime events with the exception of Halloween are not as popular as they once were. Our familiarity with parties is primarily American, but hopefully our readers will provide some insights into other countries.


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Created: January 20, 2004
Last updated: 3:20 AM 7/10/2011