*** American boy Frank Morrison

boys ringlet curls
Figure 1.-- Here Frank wears bloomer knickers with a matching blouse. The blouse has what looks like a detachable white Peter Pan collar and a modest floppy bow. After the turn-of-the 20th century we still see floppy bows, but much smaller ones than were common in the 1890s. He also wears black long stockings with what seems to be long johns and high-top shoes. Frank's hair is done in long ringles and mother has added a white hair bow for good measure. The photoback post card was done with white borders. Click on the image to see the message on the back. .

Frank Morrison (United States, 1909)

The boy here is Frank Morrison. He lived in Iowa, but we can't make out the city. Frank looks to be about 4 years old. The studio portrait is a photo-back postcard. We note about when the portrit was taken because it has a dated postmark--May 11, 1909. May is not a winter month, but Iowa is on the norther Great Planes and there can be some chilly days even in May, the portrait was probably taken about a month or so earler. Uncle Cecil lived in Decorah, Iowa in yhr northeaster part of the state, very close to South Dakota. We are not sure where in Iowa Frank lived, apparently somewhee to the south. American boys began changing from knee pants to knickers (about 1908-09), but younger boys began wearing bloomer knickers like Frankis is wearing earlier, most notably with tunic suits. Here Frank wears bloomer knickers with a matching blouse. The blouse has what looks like a detachable white Peter Pan collar and a modest floppy boe. After the turn-of-the 20th century we still see floppy bows, but much smaller ones than were common in the 1890s. He also wears black long stockings with what seems to be long johns and high-top shoes. Frank's hair is done in long ringles and mother has added a white hair bow for good measure. Notice thar ringlets and hair bows were not just a style for wealthy, gashionavle city residents. Frank may nit have klived on a farm, but he seems to have lived in asmall Iowas town--rathr like the setting for 'Music Man'. There is an interesting message on the back. It was apparently written by Frabk's mother, writiong to her brother as if she was Frank. "Hello Cecil, "I got my birth day card all right. I saw your papa when he was here. Are you coming down this summer. I am going to cut off my curls soon. Good bye. Claire"



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Created: 4:20 PM 6/18/2024
Last edited: 4:20 PM 6/18/2024