* English boy clothes -- dresses ages 5 year olds

English Boys' Dresses: Age -- 5 Year Olds

Figure 1.-- A good example is an unidentified London boy in 1902. (Accirding to the dealer.) There is no age information on the card , but the boy looks to be about 5 years old. He wears a plain dress wiyh a pleated skirt. The major decoration is a lce collar and matching sleeave ciff. Thee is a wide waistband along with a back bow ansd sash. The child is not identified as a boy, but the siude hair oart and whip strongly suggest a boy. The studio was T Fall, Baker St., London.

Age 5 is the last year that we see relly large numbers of boys earing dresses. A major factor here was school. Boys were normally breeched before beginning school which commonly occurred at about age 6 years. This was less definative in the 19th century when the public school system was not fully established. England lagged behind America and Germany in establishing a public education system, but by the end of the 19th century England had a fully established public system, at least for the primary years. The number of 5 year olds still wearing dresses declined notably in the late-19th century, especially the 1890s. Social class was a major factor in 5-year olds. Most working-class children were breeched by thus age, many a year or two earlier. This was less true for boys from families in more comfortable circumtances. All of this of course varied chrononogically and from family to family. But still we see quite a few boys still wearing dresses at age 5 years. An example of a rich boy is George Lambton in the 1860s. Another good exaple is a whole family -- Chester family. The family is not identified or the age specified, but as there are three children, it is very likely that the older boy is at least 5 years old. Another good example is this unidentified London boy in 1902 (figure 1). There is no age information on the card, but the boy looks to be about 5 years old. He wears a plain dress with a pleated skirt. Boy dresses especially by the early-20th century tended to be plain. The major decoration is a lace collar and matching sleeave ciff. Thee is a wide waistband along with a back bow and sash.


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Created: 3:52 AM 4/28/2017
Last updated: 11:49 AM 8/20/2020