*** English boy clothes -- suits types collar-buttoning jackets

English Collar-buttoning Jackets: Types

Figure 1.-- This unidentified English boys wears a collar-buttoning jacket. The CFV portraot is undated, but looksd like it was the type wihout a collar. He wears it with a classiuc Eton collar. The portrait is undated, but was probably taken about 1880. The studio was Mr. and Mrs. Bustin and Sons with studios at Hereford and Ross. We do not usually deal with the back of the card, but this one provides some useful information about the photographer and the offerings at full surface studios. Click on the image to see the information that we worked up.

We note two basic types of collar buttoning jackerts, those with and without collars. The collars that some had were conncted to the jacket were done in the same material. This is not always easy to identify because some collars, like the lace collar the boy here is wearing, covered the top of the jacket (figure 1). We do not notice really large collars, but teyu were real collzrs that can be eaily seen is covdered by a large detachable collar. Both the jackets with and without collars were worn with detchable collars. Younger boys might wear lace collars. Older boys mostly wore Eton collars with these collar buttoning jackets.


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Created: 2:05 PM 9/19/2021
Last updated: 2:05 PM 9/19/2021