German Boys' Pants: 20th Century Chronology--The 1950s

Figure 1.-- We see many teenagers wearing short pants in the 1950s, but this was much less common in the 1960s. Short pants suits in particular became less common for teenagers, but we still see them wearing shorts for casual wear. Notice that none if the teenagers wearing short psnts here are wearing knee socks. Teen agers still wore shorts at this time before American jeans became standard teenwear. Here we see some German teenagers on an outing in the 1950s.

Germany went throuh a major transition in the 1950s. The German Economic Miracle transformed Germany from a devestated country to one of the world's most prosperous. This meant that German parents once again had the discressionary income to not only buy basic necesities, but to afford fashionable clothing. In fact, most families by the end of the decade were more prosperous than they were before the War. And we see major fashion shifts in the 50s. One of those affected pants and trousers. We still see German boys commonly wearing short pants. School age boys mostly wore shorts, although by the end of the decade we begin to even see some younger boys wearing long pants. We see more boys wearing long pants in the 50s. Throughout the 19th and 20 centuty long pants were worn by German boys. Their popularity varied substantially over time. This trend was especially notable by the late-50s. German mothers in particuklar began to shidt to long pants in the witer, even for younger boys. We see many teenagers wearing short pants in the 1950s, but this was much less common in the 1960s. Short pants suits in particular became less common for teenagers, but we still see them wearing shorts for casual wear. This was particularly true before jeans became standard teenwear. This included Lederhosen as well as other types of short pants. The older boys in particular were less likely to wear shorts with knee socks. American jeans appeard in the 50s, but many German parents did not believe that they were appropriate boyswear. We also see girls wearing pants in the 1950s. This was a trend we first saw in the 1940s, but then it was more of an austerity development which developed during the World War II. Pants for girls were still not very common, but it was an acceoted style of casual wear.

Economic Prosperity

Germany went throuh a major transition in the 1950s. The German Economic Miracle transformed Germany from a devestated country to one of the world's most prosperous, at least in West Germay with its free market capitalist economy. What we know know to have occurred is not even the most optimistic economists predicted in the aftermath of the War. This meant that German parents once again had the discressionary income to not only buy basic necesities, but to afford fashionable clothing. In fact, most families by the end of the decade were more prosperous than they were before the War.

Fashion Shift

And we see major fashion shifts in the 50s. One of those affected pants and trousers. We still see German boys commonly wearing short pants. School age boys mostly wore shorts, although by the end of the decade we begin to even see some younger boys wearing long pants. We see more boys wearing long pants in the 50s. Throughout the 19th and 20 centuty long pants were worn by German boys.

Annual Trends

The popularity of long and short pants varied substantially over time. We still see boys commonly wearing short pants in the early-1950s, even teenagers. The trend toward long pants was especially notable by the late-50s.

Types of Pants

We mostly see German boys wearing short pants and long pants during the 1950s. We see a range of long and short pants being worn during during the decade. The shorts were available in different weights and material for both summer and winter wear. We see fewer boys wearing suspender shorts. Long pants steadily increased in popularity during the decade. We don't notice long pants that were specifically made for casual wear. Generally boys still generally wore older pants for play and casual wear. The growing prosperity meant that parents began to purchase actul casual clothes and not just older clothes. With the trend towaed casual clothes, there was a demand for casual pants. Some boys wore short pants such as Lederhosen, but by the end of the deccade denim jeans had begun to appear. American jeans appeard in the 50s, but many German parents did not believe that they were appropriate boyswear except after school for play. Knickers were worn in the 1940s and we still see them during the early-50s, but not very commonly after mid-decade. We notice boys wearing what seem to be knickers, but bloused just above the ankles. This is kind of like the pants that the comic character Tin-tin wore. Actually it is a little difficult to tell if these actually are kniclers or long pants.


German mothers in particular began to shift to long pants in the winter, even for younger boys. Perhaps the boys were asking for them or mothers begin to think that long pants were more appropriate for cold weather.

Age Trends

We still see primary-age boys wearing short pants. Thhis becamne, however much more seasonl than earlier. We see many teenagers wearing short pants in the 1950s, especially the early 1950s. Lederhosen were popular casual wear. We see fewer teenagers wearing shorts by the end of the decde. And this was much less common in the 1960s.


We notice a shift of shortpants from stand wear to the beginning of a kind of casual garment. Short pants suits in particular became less common for teenagers, but we still see them wearing shorts for casual wear. This was particularly true before jeans became standard teenwear. This included Lederhosen as well as other types of short pants.


We still see many German boys wearing short psnts with long stockings at the beginning of the decade. Adter mid-decade, this became much less common. Knee socks were still very common, but we also begin to see ankle sicks. The older boys in particular were less likely to wear shorts with knee socks.


We also see girls wearing pants in the 1950s. This was a trend we first saw in the 1940s, but then it was more of an austerity development which developed during the World War II. Pants for girls were still not very common, but it was an acceoted style of casual wear.


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Created: 3:23 PM 11/5/2008
Last updated: 4:35 AM 4/12/2011