*** Japanese boys clothes: post-war years (1945-90)

Japanese Boys' Clothes: Early-20th Century (1900-45)

Japanese boys clothes
Figure 1.--This studio portrait pictures two brothers. They look to be aboiut 4-7 years old. The older brotyher wears his school uniform with long stockings. His younger brother wears a short pants suit and broad-brummed hat with ankle socks. There is writing on the bsck, but all we know for sure is that the portrait was taken in 1934. Click on the image to see the writing. .

The early 20th century was a tumultuous time for still very traditional Japan. The Japanese defeated the Russians in 1905, the first Asian country in centuries to defeat a European colonial power. Japan entered World War I on the allied side. Gradually militarists gained control of the government and dragged Japan into disastrous wars, first with China and then the United States. After years of bitter fighting, Japan surrendered to the United States asnd its Allies (1945). The resulting American occupation introduced foreign ideas, customs, and clothing to Japan as necer before. Traditional clothes for boys had declined by the turn of the century, although it was worn for special or ceremonial occasions. Boys mostly wore western styles. Japanese boys commonly wore short pants during the 1920s and 30s, but not usually with knee socks as in Europe. Shorts appear to have been primarily summer wear. The short pants worn by Japanese boys tended to be rather long, worn at knee length and were generally baggy. Shorts were worn by elementary-age children, but most boys began to wear longs when they reached about 12 or 13 years old and moved to secondary school. Once that happened boys wore long pants at both school and home, even for play and casual wear.


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Created: April 14, 1988
Last updated: June 11, 2004