Here we a postcxard back photograph of a Serbian boy, we think in the 1960s. The eraly-70s is possible, but the 1960s seems more likely. He wears a fashioinable double-breasted suit, but with only one pair of buttons. We are not sure if this was done purposefully as a stylistic touch or because the manufacturer did not fully understand double-breasted styling. A reader has provided a more detailed assessment of the boy's suit. ' The wide lapels and double breasted jacket are items I wore in the late 1960s/early 1970s. The boy looks very dapper and my guess his age is around 12-14 years old as he did not shave yet. What age would you guess?' HBC would guess 12 or 13 years. Our reader coninues, 'The very short shorts (hanging just below the hem of the suit jacket) is a reminder of the European look at the time as is the above the calf long dark (black?) knee socks. His loafers are highly polished and he even has a pocket square. The hairstyle (if in the U.S. would be pre 1968) but I have no idea about Serbia styles. The narrow tie also would speak to earlier than late-1960s when ties widen in Western Europe, but who knows in Serbia (Yugoslavia at that time). And and this area of the country may have been even more conservative. There is one thing to remember ... due to Soviet and West dealings ... Yugoslavia had a great deal of economic activity compared to Russa and was much more influenced by Western European styles than Russia. That may help in evaluating. The way the jacket hangs on the boy shows to me that it either was a hand me down (which I doubt) or that it was brand new, newly acquired with room for him to grow."
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