Here is a wonderful Ambrotype portrait of a little American boy and his big sister. The portrait is undated, but we would gues it was probably taken about 1855-60. The children are emacuately dressed, suggesting aell to do family. The boy looks to be about 5-years old. He wears a collar buttoning jacke wuth a small white collar. We are not sure about the color, but it was clearly not navy blue which was very popular at the time. His hair come down to his ears. His big sister looks to be about 13-14 yers old and has an elaborate hair do. Here hairs seems to be done ip in plaits on top of her head looking lmost like cap. Notice the checked hair ribbons in back. Her plaid dress has a low neckline, a very sender waist, and a full skirt. The short sleeves have a white ruffle. She wears a ring on her left rig finger and has some kind of wrist band. I'm not sure what material was used. She also seems to have one on her left arm. This is how southern belles are often depicted in the movies. And tge dress would eem most appriorriate for a southern climate, but northern girls may have dressed like this during the summer.
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