*** United States boys clothes: neckwear floppy bows dimensions large sizes

United States Boys' Floppy Bows: Large Sizes--Sartorial Arms Race

Figure 1.--This unidebtified New Jersey boy looks to be about 5 years old. The portait is undated, butb looks like the 1890s to us. Note how his huge floppy bow and fauntleroy collar an matching wrist cuffs virtually cover up his Fauntleroy cut-away jacket. Middle-class mothers used clothing to demosrtare their social status. Some thing else they did was to to seek a demostrate therir cultured status. Moms sent their children to dancing classes and enroll them in classes to learn musical instruments. Many of the boys were not entralled with this. We are not sure that the boy here was acgually learning to play the violin. Notyice that there are no strings on the violin, obviously a studio prop. And the way he is holding the violin also suggets he has not yet begun lessons. A reader points out that the violin also is not the right size for a small child.

Neckwear suddenly and dramrically chasnged when Mrs. Burnett published Little Lord Fauntleroy. There were changes in plasce earlier, but not sych dramatic changes. Mothers using their sons as fashion platforms began a satorial arms race without precedent in boys' fashion history. Middle-class mothers for the most part did not work. And floppy bows and huge lace and rulled collars were a key element in that effort. Besides Mrs. Burnett's book, something else was happening in America. Capitalism was changing a very rural country with a population of modest beginnings ino an industrial giant. Thus a large part of the population was experiencing a huge transformation in their life style and living standards. Pople with humble backgrounds were thrust into the prosperous middle class. And many of these increasingly successful people wanted to show off the change in their circumstances. One way to do this was to dress well. And mothers wanted to also dress their children well. The American boy was thus caught in the crosshairs of social change. This was espcially the case because children at the time did not have lot to say about what they wore. This was up to their parents. And mothers not only decided what their daughters wore, but for the most part what thetheir sins ore, esoecially pre-teen sons.


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Created: 5:30 PM 1/13/2023
Last updated: 5:30 PM 1/13/2023